Invitation to „Webinar CEE: Dealing with the end of life of an Energy project in CEE”, 20.11.2024, 10:00 - 11:00 am

  • 14.11.2024
  • Mazars Polska sp. z o. o.
  • ul. Piękna 18
  • 00-549 Warszawa
  • PL

We are delighted to invite you to a webinar organized by our member Forvis Mazars along with Bird & Bird, where their experts will discuss key legal and valuation aspects related to the end-of-life of renewable installations in CEE.

report image
In Poland for example, the installed capacity of photovoltaics has already exceeded 19 GW and the number of wind installations is around 1,400. The maturity of the renewable sector calls for a debate on the life cycle of installations and waste management at the end of their technological efficiency. When in use, solar panels and wind turbines generate electricity without emitting pollutants into the atmosphere. However, these components need to be properly addressed in the context of waste management after the end of their technological efficiency. During the meeting, we will also address the dismantling of installations and the restoration of land use value.

Who should attend?

The webinar is dedicated to corporate decision-makers, international investors, sector experts, as well as financial and service providers active in the Energy & Renewables sector in the context of Central & Eastern Europe.

DATE: Wednesday, 20 November 2024

TIME: 10:00 – 11:00 CET, online

REGISTRATIONSLINK: 241107 Dealing with the end of life of an Energy project in CEE | RSVP (Blank) (for SM)

For more: Webinar CEE: Dealing with the end of life of an Energy project in CEE - Forvis Mazars - Polska
  • Mazars Polska sp. z o. o.
  • ul. Piękna 18
  • 00-549 Warszawa
  • PL

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